What are the benefits of accreditation for a Tobacco Treatment Specialist Training Program?

Accreditation is an important source of external validity for your program. Accredited status means that your program was thoroughly reviewed by a multidisciplinary panel of international experts who agree that your program meets the standards put forth by industry experts and in your country. Accreditation is valid assurance of quality control and will make your program more attractive to potential trainees. Accreditation will also make your trainees more marketable. Accreditation provides your program with a number of other benefits including:

  • An additional avenue to promote your program
  • Expert and peer assistance in the provision of training and the management of the training program.
  • An avenue for revising, changing, or amending the accepted standards by which programs are evaluated by serving on the council
  • Professional support in the development of Tobacco Treatment Specialists as a profession with their own scope of work and professional identity.

How much does it cost to apply?

The current application fee is $500.

For global or international organizations, does the application have to be submitted in English?

The TTS Training Program Accreditation application materials must be submitted in English. We are glad to provide referrals for translation services.

Who is on the Council and what is their professional background?

A list of the Councilors and their affiliations can be found by following this link.

What are the standards used to evaluate our program?

The Council developed a set of evaluative criteria from the Core Competencies for the Evidence-based Treatment of Tobacco Dependence developed by the Association for the Treatment of Tobacco Use and Dependence. These standards in combination with the national treatment standards in your country will be used to evaluate your program. Please see the Tobacco Treatment Specialist Training Program Accreditation Application and the Review Form for more information.

Is there a Conditional Accreditation or Provisional Accreditation and how does the organization move from conditional or provisional to full status?

An application is always considered for full accreditation. Full accreditation is for five years. Under certain circumstances (i.e., a recent change in the national guidelines, etc.), a program may be accredited for shorter length of time, such as 6-12 months, with the understanding that they will address the Councilors' suggestions or concerns within that time period. Once the concerns are addressed, the accreditation will be awarded for the full five years from the initial award. It would not be necessary to complete a new application.

How do I obtain national recognition as a TTS?

All accredited TTS training programs provide documentation that you have successfully completed the TTS training and evaluation requirements. This documentation is needed to apply for the National Certificate:  https://www.naadac.org/NCTTP.